Saturday, September 05, 2009

In living color

Officially one of the most saturated designs ever made.
I was specifically told to go all out on this one because in the world of Calypso, there is no such thing as "too much color".

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Newfound Respect

Artwork for the debut album of Respect (tha god).

All the best

A duel in the dirt

An homage to the all but extinct art of rendering, if you will. Whith modern graphics software drawing is simply not needed anymore, is it? I think it is, but most people do not.

I also think that the monkeyman is bound to lose this battle eventually. One could even claim that the sasquatch in this image is a symbol for the traditional arts, slowly beeing crushed by the sheer mass that is modern computer graphics, in this case represented by a giant constrictor.

Tyger style

Don´t look too closely at the eyes. In some cultures It is the eye of the tiger that is concidered to be the thrill of the fight. I think it has to do with the way it rises up to the challenge of a rival.
Something to think about...

Killer shorts

I drew some graphics for these here killer shorts a while back. If you luck out you might still be able to find them in some stores.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Basically a wall painting in every sence of the word. Comission for a mural for my palestinian friend. Strong stuff. Gaza is no joke.
Not really a political statement for me personally, I think all forms of genocide are pretty bad. Using suicide bombers or gunships is kinda irrelevant, it is still very uncool.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mixing it up

First draft for an upcoming mixtape. Mixtape artwork generally look like home-made crap (because they usually are) so hopefully this one should stand out a little.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The second Black Viking

The latest revision of the viking cover.
It still needs some work, but it´s getting there.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The first Black Viking

Or at least to my knowledge. Album cover in its early stages still, but by the time I´m done with it, it ought to be really wicked.

He will be on the shelves this spring, so dont miss out.