Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Back in action

I have been hard at work lately, hence the absence of posts. Unfortunately almost all the stuff I´ve been working on is Top Secret so I can´t show any of it without suffering serious legal reprisals. But I assure you it´s all dy-no-mite.

Conquering Lion

This design was made for my club. It is a work in progress so feel free to comment. I like it because it works on so many levels. It´s got that whole regal swedish/conquering lion of judah/asian emblem/ combat sport vibe to it. Can´t go wrong with that.


I saw the whole Lord of the Rings trilogy again recently. And I drew an orc. I did nt quite agree with Peter Jacksons take on the dark kin at first, but I have come to apreciate them over time. Except for the pale sticky ones, they still dont work for me. Too much latex and goo for my blood.

But the movie rocks. No doubt. Except for all the glowing green stuff towards the end. That was lame. So was the elvish architecture that looks like Dungeons & Dragons patio furniture. Great movie though...