An homage to the all but extinct art of rendering, if you will. Whith modern graphics software drawing is simply not needed anymore, is it? I think it is, but most people do not.
I also think that the monkeyman is bound to lose this battle eventually. One could even claim that the sasquatch in this image is a symbol for the traditional arts, slowly beeing crushed by the sheer mass that is modern computer graphics, in this case represented by a giant constrictor.
Don´t look too closely at the eyes. In some cultures It is the eye of the tiger that is concidered to be the thrill of the fight. I think it has to do with the way it rises up to the challenge of a rival.
Basically a wall painting in every sence of the word. Comission for a mural for my palestinian friend. Strong stuff. Gaza is no joke. Not really a political statement for me personally, I think all forms of genocide are pretty bad. Using suicide bombers or gunships is kinda irrelevant, it is still very uncool.
First draft for an upcoming mixtape. Mixtape artwork generally look like home-made crap (because they usually are) so hopefully this one should stand out a little.
Sketches from the process of defining a classic Retro-Robot. Each doodle sort of represent one decade of robot design from the 30's up to the 80's. It shouldnt be too hard to figure out the right era for each 'bot.
I still dabble in grafitti ocasionally. This one is actually just the result of me testing all my spray-brushes in photoshop, but it turned out pretty sweet.
Sort of ironic, yet appropriate if one considers the origins of grafitti.
A new game-idea I´m working on. Still trying to get the whole painting thing down. Some ways to go still, but at least it´s moving in the right direction.
Cover-art for the the forthcoming debut album of SALIF. In actuality he is just like this giant teddybear of a man, so I try to make him look as badass as possible.
In my teens I had a small obsession for DeathBlow. Lets just say I spent a lot of time trying to draw like Jim Lee. This is a 20-minute sketch I made the other day to see if I could still do it. You be the Judge.
(Dedicated to my girlfriend for putting up with all my nonsense.)
I repainted an old game cover that I made waaay back. I never felt like the coloring did the drawing justice so it deserved a second shot. I wont post the old one, but trust me when I say there has been some progress.
This jerk has somehow gotten into my vacation photos. And it wouldn´t be so bad if it wasnt for that bad attitude of his. I dont know what his whole deal is. He´s all over the place.
Here are a few pages from a pitch for a Fantasy game. The games future is still unclear but they didn´t end up using these drawings, so they are now available for public viewing.
I am currently reconstructing my portfolio. Following below are some old stuff out that may not make the cut this time around. It´s all nice work and everything, but I need to make a little room for improvment.
Some consept sketches from a TV-show I was involved in. MTV wanted to make an american anime-show set on a near future music festival. Unfortunately they changed their minds and cancelled it before it ever aired. Too bad I say. We had "Tech-Sumo" fighting and everything. Now the world will most likely miss out that.
I took a stab at drawing Hellboy, to see if I could. Allthough it was a while ago, and it´s not anywhere near Mike Mignola, I am still happy with the results.